Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Hey guys! That means Hello in Russian!!!! It's pronounced Zdra-stvooy-tyeh. I'm learning so much here, haha!

No but seriously, that is on one of my 5 bulletin boards. I should take pictures to show you how freaking awesome they are.

Also, I know a shit ton more about IC than I ever thought I would.

I'm exhausted, it's been a long week and a half, but we only have 1 more big training day (tomorrow), the transfer session (friday), a day off (Saturday) and rehearsals a bunch on Sunday. We are trying to organize a Toy Story 3 trip on Saturday, but idk if that's gonna work out. I know at least 1 person will go with me.

Other news, the power went out (again, it happened last Sunday morning) so we really couldn't do much in the towers. I'm on the 8th floor. No elevators. I don't even need to go to the gym. I'll just walk to my room. Anywho, we decided to pass the time playing soccer, which I haven't done in at least 10 years. Also, it rained a lot. We played outside of the fitness center. It was a lot of fun, some people take it too seriously, I fell about 95 times and am just noticing now that I think my ankle might actually be slightly injured. Whoops.

And that is my life here at IC. It is strange being on a floor by myself, I kind of can't wait for students to get here so I'm not all alone. Although, this is the first time I've ever had my own room, which is kind of awesome. The space is nice. It makes me want a single room forever. Not that I don't love roomies, it's just nice to have my own completely private space.

Well, I have another early, action packed day tomorrow. I'm even meeting President Rochon. I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined any of this happening.

Life is good.

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